The email below from one of our customers who has been set free from high interest loans speaks for itself. She and her family are one of millions of good South Africans who due to their lack of understanding of finance, were being given one high interest debt after another. They decided to contact us instead of going under debt review. We started on the journey in August 2021. At the time, they had 9 debts and they were paying over R14 000 per month in debt repayments. They had lost their car and the kids couldn’t continue with school after finishing matric. Today, they are free of ALL of the debts as shown below. Their only 2 debts are a home loan and a car loan. They now have life covers and a Will. I want them to have an emergency fund and investments as well. Home loan repayment of R4 523,70 [replaced all the debts of R14 000, excluding municipal debt] – that is the advantage of knowing
I received an amount of R 529 696 after deduction of conveyancer fees.
Paid off the following
1. Bank loan1 – R160 446.27
2. Bank loan 2 – R51 460.36
3.Municipality debt – R118 030
4. Credit card – R37 911
5. Revolving credit – R20 313
6. My brother – R 11 000
I paid school fees for both kids amounting to R47 600. We spent R20 000 on laptops and other stationary. Paid R3 250 for driving lessons and test for my son
I am currently left with R59 000 which I plan to use to deposit a car. Just waiting for the bank to clear my debt before applying for car finance.
My fee was R5000
The disadvantage of getting out of debt too fast is that the habits that people had while they were in debt, are hard to break. No one should have zero savings and investments but when you are used to having NO savings and investments, it is very difficult to change and put these in place. Sadly, that is where many South Africans are, they have NO savings and investments and they have loads of debt. This puts many of us in a position where we are just one emergency away from falling into deep debt. Even when we have helped people to offload the debt, it is difficult to get them to move a step further and start saving and investing. I look forward to a time when we will monitor our Savings and investment profile, instead of fixating on our credit profiles.