about us

ThuthukaSA is a Black woman owned Financial Services Provider.

The Zulu word for prosper is Thuthuka, which is why entrepreneur Phumelele Ndumo called her financial education business ThuthukaSA when she established it back in 2007. Recognising a lack of financial wisdom among her peers, Ndumo offers financial education and guidance for clients to optimise their wealth.

In addition, she is an author of a SA Best Seller, From Debt to Riches, which has sold over 29 000 copies to date. First published in 2011, the purpose of the book is to educate South African’s on the importance of financial planning, money management and the dangers of debt. Various reviews of the book from customers have described it as educational, enlightening and an eye opener. Many even questioning as to why it is not available in schools. The book is available on the website and nationwide courier is available.

Helping south Africans become as wealthy as possible

ThuthukaSA exists to give common knowledge and straight talking help to ordinary South Africans. We’d love to hear from you about your own journey with money management and how we can help that next step in your path towards financial security.

"Many companies define success based on the money that flows into the company coffers, but at ThuthukaSA, we prefer to define our successby the number of lives that have been changed."


The Zulu word for prosper is Thuthuka, which is why entrepreneur Phumelele Ndumo called her financial education business when she established it back in 2007. Recognising a lack of financial knowledge among her peers, Ndumo offers financial education and guidance for clients to optimise their wealth. In addition, she is the author of a SA Best Seller, From Debt to Riches: Steps to Financial Success, which has sold over 29 000 copies to date. 

First published in 2011, the purpose of the book is to educate South Africans on the importance of financial planning, money management and the dangers of high levels of debt. Various reviews of the book from customers have described it as educational, enlightening and an eye opener. Many even questioning as to why it is not available in schools and universities. The book is available in major book stores as well as on the ThuthukaSA online store. Phumelele has a solid business education, including a B.Com, a Higher Diploma in Computer Auditing and a Master’s degree in Business Leadership. She is a former banker. She has also served on a number of boards as a non-executive director. This solid financial education has seen her attract professional customers to her financial advisory practice. She however maintains that all of us need financial planning, regardless of our levels of education or income. She is a regular contributor to several radio stations including SAfm, KayaFM, Radio Pulpit and Ukhozi FM, amongst other radio stations. Phumelele wrote her first book in 2007 entitled 7 Secrets Why the Rich own their own Homes with the sub-title, How to buy a home and educate your children, even if you think you can’t afford to. The book was self – published as no publisher was willing to publish the book, citing that she was unknown. After selling 3000 copies, she was then approached by a number of publishers who were now keen to publish her future books. Phumelele is passionate about teaching people how to manage their money. “Many of us never heard about financial planning growing up because our families were barely surviving. Now that some of us have decent and secure incomes, we need guidance to ensure that our futures are secure,” she says. She is especially passionate about inter-generational financial planning as she realises the importance of using financial planning to uplift the past and future generations. Over the years, ThuthukaSA has grown to be an authorised Financial Services Provider and a mortgage originator. ThuthukaSA has been offering Employee Financial Wellness programs for many years.


ThuthukaSA has a dream that all South Africans are able to learn good money management skills.

For this reason, talks are offered at NO COST to:

At these talks, ThuthukaSA asks audience members to purchase a copy of From Debt to Riches as a reference guide and if they find it useful, to donate their book or a copy to another person who will benefit from the right way to manage money.

thuthukasa is a registered financial services provider
FSP Number 47992